Boston ~ Day 5

It’s a Bit Chilly Out There

It was 22 degrees and windy this morning. As we evaluated the weather and made our decision on what to do, the clock seemed to keep on ticking, (add in a lost hour for the time change today) so we ended up with a late start this morning. We considered going to the aquarium since it is so cols, but it just seemed too beautiful to be inside, bright and sunny.

The Waterfront

The decision was to brave the cold and check out the waterfront. We took an Uber to downtown and started at the Rose Kennedy Greenway. We looked around the Greenway a bit then walked over to The Boston Tea Party Site. We went into the gift shop to warm up a bit before heading down the ramp to Abigails’s Tea Room. Liz did some tea tasting at Abigail’s before we bundled up to continue our waterfront adventure.

The Harborwalk

The Boston waterfront is really nice. The Harborwalk is one of the nicest waterfront setups we have encountered in our travels. Surprisingly, it was actually fairly comfortable as the wind was coming from inland and the area was protected by the high rise buildings downtown. We had a great time walking around the waterfront and taking in the views. The temperature, particularly the shady areas – BRRR, did eventually send us to Starbucks to warm up a bit.

More Cannolis

Part of our mission here was to check out the cannolis from three bakeries that we ad heard about while investigating for this trip. The three bakeries, Bova’s, Mike’s Pastry,  and Modern Pastry are debated heavily on YouTube so we felt obligated to test them for ourselves! We chose Mike’s for our second venue and we were extremely disappointed. At this point we really don’t feel the need to go any further in the pursuit of the best cannoli, Bova’s will be our go to bakery for this trip!

A Frigid Walk To The Redline

The walk back to the Redline was ridiculously cold as we were walking into the wind the entire route. We did see the New England Holocaust Memorial on the walk back and took a few sobering moments of recognizing the horrors of that time.  Memories and quotes from survivors of the holocaust inscribed on the glass panels made us ponder the atrocities they faced.

After visiting the memorial and feleing guilty about complaining that it was cold outside, we proceeded to the Downtown Crossing Station to board the Redline. The Reline only went to Harvard Square today as they were doing maintenance between Harvard and Davis, so we were shuttled to Davis Square by bus.

We then walked to Cory and Annie’s and ordered in with Uber Eats. After dinner, Cory gave us a ride back to the Airbnb.

It was a fun day, although a bit more challenging with the cold temp and brutal wind.

See Photos HERE


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